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Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum alloy gears

Release date:2022-05-11 Author: Click:

The aluminum alloy material in aluminum alloy gears is considered a sustainable material. A key feature is that it can be recycled while still retaining its original properties. This is a very big advantage, not only cost-effective but also good for the environment. In addition, aluminum alloy gears also have the advantage of corrosion resistance. When the aluminum alloy is exposed to air, a thin layer of aluminum oxide will form on its surface. This layer protects the aluminum alloy from corrosion when exposed.

Aluminum alloy gears have high tensile strength and are lighter, which reduces the weight of the overall structure and thus lowers fuel costs. When an aluminum alloy is exposed to air, a positive oxide layer forms on its surface, making it corrosion-resistant. In addition, aluminum alloy gears also have the advantage of high strength. The strength of aluminum alloys allows it to replace heavier metals without losing the strength associated with other metals, while benefiting from its lighter weight.


Aluminum alloy gear

The disadvantage of aluminum alloy gears is the overall lower strength of aluminum alloy gears compared to steel alloy gears: while praised for its malleability, this particular property of aluminum can also be a disadvantage. It dents and scratches more easily than steel. Steel is strong and unlikely to warp, deform or bend under any weight, force or heat.

The article mainly introduces the relevant knowledge of aluminum alloy gears. By browsing the article, you can understand the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum alloy gears. Aluminum alloy gears have the advantage of high strength. The strength of aluminum alloys allows it to replace heavier metals without losing the strength associated with other metals, while benefiting from its lighter weight. In addition, the small disadvantage of aluminum alloy gears is that their overall strength is poor compared to steel alloy gears.

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